
Monday, February 22, 2021

The Influences of Music and Art in Naale High School

 Naale High School is situated in Shimla in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. The school serves students in both normal and special education courses. The school offers gifted and talented students the opportunity to develop their talents through specialised classes and one on one coaching.

The school offers a music theatre, dance, visual arts, photography and drama programme. The theatre group offers two to three week long rehearsals for various amateur productions. This helps students prepare well for performance level shows and plays. Every night, the theatre group entertains its audiences with musicals and energetic dance routines. The dance troupe of the school performs various choreographed routines in the school auditorium.

Visual and Performing Arts include Dance, Design, Music, Video, TV/Film. There is an active involvement of music and dance in the daily activities at the school. Music is the most important factor that gives the school its unique identity as it provides the entire school with its inter-related culture. Every day, students listen to music from radios, televisions or portable devices. The dance troupe rehearses for the next rehearsal party that also includes dance performances.

Film and Television are another major source of entertainment. The students are encouraged to pursue a degree in Film and Television. Students can opt to work in film departments or design departments. Both areas provide ample opportunities to interact with international Jewish schools. They can travel around the world to be part of exciting projects.

Visual and Performing Arts include Fine Arts, Music, Dance, Photography. The school has an active interest in promoting visual and performing arts. The Fine Arts department organises regular cultural events such as performances, seminars and workshops in an effort to promote inter-disciplinary studies. The dances department hosts regular talent shows and contests for outstanding students. The photography department prepares its students for professional photography projects.

Music appreciation is another area of focus at Naale High School. The school regularly has musicians in all forms of sessions such as band activities, choirs and chamber concerts. This encourages musical expression and enhances musical talent and abilities. This is also a venue for students to meet and build rapport with other students.

Sport and Exhibitionism are another aspect of the curriculum which encourages students to become active participants. In line with this, the students take part in various events such as sports events, athletic meets and camps. The sport and exhibitionism curriculum allow students to have a strong competitive edge. Naale has several clubs in place which allows students to participate in inter-collegiate athletics as well.

Art appreciation is often neglected by many educational institutions. Some schools place less emphasis on art, when confronted with mounting pressures to perform well in the academic setting. But Naale High School believes that art should not be ignored when trying to cope with stress and pressure. By integrating art into daily activities, the students will become more creative and better able to deal with all aspects of their life.

The school also organises events to celebrate important moments in the school and to encourage students to participate. An example of such an event is the school's annual 4th of July celebration. The theme of this celebration is Independence Day. Students will decorate the school and the church with national flags and banners. Fireworks are set off in the night and the band will play patriotic songs. Activities include games such as a relay race to the school's swimming pool or a trivia quiz about important events in Naale's history.



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